Let your pet have a staycation while you go on vacation!

When planning to travel, a common assumption among pet owners is the need to board their pets. Yet, boarding isn't always the ideal solution for every pet. Just like humans, animals find comfort in familiarity, a feeling that is often absent in boarding facilities. Especially for older pets, the shock of an unfamiliar environment, coupled with the absence of their human, can be quite distressing. The sounds, sights, and even the different scents can lead to anxiety and unease.

Being in their own home means being surrounded by familiar toys, their favorite sleeping spots, and the many scents they've come to know and love. These familiarities aren't just comforts; they're anchors that provide a sense of normalcy in their daily routines, making it easier to adjust during their owner's absence. In this setting, their routines remain uninterrupted, and there's no added stress from the constant barrage of unfamiliar stimuli that a boarding facility might present.

Moreover, boarding facilities have their limitations. Imagine the challenges if your pet requires specific care – intricate medication schedules, specialized feeding procedures, or intravenous treatments. These needs might not be easily catered to in a traditional boarding environment. And if you're a proud owner of multiple pets, boarding isn't just a logistical challenge but can also be heavy on the pocket. With a pet sitter attending to your pets in the environment they're most comfortable in – their home – it ensures personalized care tailored to their individual needs. This home-based care approach guarantees that your pets remain as relaxed and happy as possible, even in your absence.

One of the undeniable advantages of a pet sitting visit is the added layer of home supervision it provides while you're away. Beyond just tending to your beloved pet, a professional pet sitter serves as a diligent caretaker for your property. They can oversee tasks like collecting your mail, watering your plants, and checking that all remains well with your home. These professionals come equipped not only with business insurance, ensuring protection against unforeseen damages, but they also possess certifications in pet CPR and First Aid. This ensures that in the unfortunate event of your pet facing a health concern, the sitter is adept and ready to provide immediate care.

Furthermore, opting for a pet sitting visit eases the logistical strain and worry often associated with boarding or other external pet care options. Pet owners can relax, knowing they don't have to juggle their schedules around rigid pick-up or drop-off times at another location. This not only provides convenience but also imparts a deep-seated peace of mind. It's a reassurance that your pet remains in its comfort zone, while you, the owner, can go about your travels without added stress or interruptions.

What if you don’t have a dog?

Pet sitting visits cater perfectly to the unique needs of your beloved pets, particularly for those animals that are ill-suited for boarding. Many cherished pets, such as birds, turtles, cats, fish, and goats, not only have difficulties adjusting to unfamiliar environments but, in many cases, should not be boarded at all due to their specific care requirements or sensitivities. Cats, for instance, are notably sensitive to changes in their surroundings. Opting for a pet sitting visit ensures they remain in the familiar territory of your home, which is the purr-fect solution for their well-being and comfort.

What happens during a pet sitting visit?

During a pet sitting visit, our pet sitters dedicate 30 minutes attending to your pet's needs right within the comfort of your home. Should you desire a longer duration of care, you have the flexibility to schedule extended sessions as needed. While we’re in a visit, we take care of everything spanning from feeding and medication administration to bathroom breaks, indulging in cuddle sessions, and even simply lying beside your pet to offer solace. In the past, we've gone the extra mile, preparing specialty meals or tuning the TV to a specific channel (we love HGTV or the Home Shopping Network) to soothe a restless pet. Rest assured, our pet sitters collaborate closely with you to tailor each visit, ensuring it aligns perfectly with both your preferences and your pet's requirements.

We will also clean litter boxes, sweep messes, check home security and functioning of AC/Heat as appropriate. Our client love that we will also check the mail and bring in any packages, as well has water plants, and set out/bring in the trash on it’s scheduled day. Our goal is to make sure your home continues to function as if you were there, so you don’t have to “catch up” on anything when you arrive. 

A pet sitting visit is different from a walk in that during a walk, the entire time is devoted to being on the leash and hitting the pavement (or gravel). Walks do not include feeding or medications, as the primary focus is on getting out energy and providing mental/physical stimulation.

Who is a pet sitting visit for?

  • Have limited separation anxiety: Pets with mild separation anxiety can benefit greatly from pet sitting visits. The familiar environment of their own home can help reduce their stress, allowing them to feel more at ease during your absence.

  • Require specialized/end-of-life care: Pet sitting visits are invaluable for animals that require frequent medication or specific care routines. A pet sitter can ensure that your pet's specific health needs are met, providing comfort during their twilight years or during illness.

  • Do not do well in a boarding environment: Some pets may become stressed or anxious in unfamiliar boarding environments. In-home pet sitting visits can help them stay relaxed and happy in the comfort of their own home.

  • Have medications: Administering medications can be a delicate task. Professional pet sitters trained in giving medications can ensure that your pet receives the right doses at the right times, maintaining their health and well-being.

  • Need a quick potty break during a long workday: Just like humans, pets need regular bathroom breaks. Pet sitting visits during the day can provide that much-needed relief, ensuring your pet remains comfortable while you're away.

  • Have an owner that would like their house and property checked on: Beyond just caring for your pet, pet sitters provide an added layer of security for your home. Their regular visits can deter potential intruders and ensure that any anomalies or issues with your property are quickly detected and reported

If you’d like to talk more about whether drop-in visits would work for you and your pet, get in contact with us.


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